Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sports/ Action Shoot Finale

Jacinda muniz age 16 is running because we found out that she just won 1 million dollars and decided to run towards the photograher because of her encounter with a alot of money. She ran around yelling "OH My God" to everyone and got tired after running and decided to sit down and rest for more running around.
2. This is a citizen named jacinda Muniz and her hobby is as you can see running which is a healthy way to be active and she is running to express her reality. She is running towards the door for some water cause she seems to be thirty.

3.     this unique girl was just caught running away from her problems because  we asked her why she was running for some odd reason she answerd " i am running away from a relationshio because i cant deal with my boyfriends crap". She starts running away from us as well because it seems she doesnt want to be disturbed.

4.    this is a blury photo but as you can barely see it looks like a girl looking towards the right of the photographer and she looks like she might be talking to whoever is in her way. She is talking to one of her friends and talking about when are they going to meet up with each other so they both can hit up the mall together.

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