Thursday, April 19, 2012

Basic newswriting and news value

Who?  a pilot
Who is involved? people on the airplane and also the pilot
Who does/did the situation affect? the situation affected people because their lives and thier children
Who said so?

What? the pilot flying violently and causing everyone to panic
What is happening? the pilot flew downwards mistaking the plant venus for the other plane flying towards their way
What did happen? the plane did a nose dive trying to avoid the other plane from hitting them
What are the consequences? deaths/ injuries and the pilots job
What is different about this? this doesnt usually occur having to see other planets while you are flying a plane in the sky
What are the choices? the choice he made was reacting very startled and when he felt that way he decided to dive down to avoid the other plane who was going their way and the light he had seen was venus and him mistaking that for the other plame and the choice was a bad idea because the captain had corrected him that the other plane was below 1,000 feet below them but instead the light confused him.

When? january 14, 2011
When did or will this happen? january 14 2011
When was this discovered? january 14, 2011

Where?  between toronto and zurich
Where did or will this happen? somewhere between toronto and zurich

Why? because the pilot had overslept and if he hadn't reacted differently and decided to keep going and listened to the captain
Why did this happen or will it happen? Same as above

How? the pilot overreacted and decided to take the situation seriously and costed people injuries and a pregnant women her baby.
How did it or will it happen? the pilot mistaken the light he saw for the plane that was coming towards thier way
How much does it cost? it costed people their injuries and the pilots job
How many people does this affect? 103 people who were on the plane
How do you feel about this? i would feel horrified and scared because i wouldn't want to die so i would feel horrified about my life.

Who? a little girl
Who is involved? the police
Who does/did the situation affect? this situation affected the girl with the tantrum
Who said so?

What? the 6 year old having a tantrum in school and getting arrested for her unruly behavior
What is happening? the 6 year old girl threw a huge fit and started to do physical damage to school property
What did happen? a 6 year old girl threw a huge fit causing her to be handcuffed and brought her to the police station
What are the consequences? suspension from the school or even fined
What is different about this? this type of behavior doesnt usually happen in elementary schools
What are the choices? the choices she made, made a huge impact in her life and it was a bad decision

When? tuesday april 17, 2012
When did or will this happen? tuesday april 17, 2012
When was this discovered? tuesday april 17, 2012

Where? georgia in creekside elementary
Where did or will this happen? in georgia in creekside elementary

Why? because the little girl threw a tantrum
Why did this happen or will it happen? because the girl threw a fit

How? the little girl just threw a tanturm
How did it or will it happen? same as above
How much does it cost? it costed the damage that she did and also her being suspended
How many people does this affect? it affected the little girl, the officers, and her parents and also the principal
How do you feel about this? in my opinon i reall feel like i really dont care but otherwise i would say i would have to feel like thats really surprising because this type of attitude doesn't really happen often

Who? austin fisher
Who is involved? austin fisher and his mom and the superintendent
Who does/did the situation affect? his mom and austin fisher
Who said so?

What? austin fisher has been missing too many days in school that the board of education decided to ban him from walking th stage, but what they didnt discover was that he was absent because he had to care for his mother because she has stage 4 cancer.
What is happening? same as above
 What did happen? same as above
 What are the consequences? the consequences were not walking the stage
What is different about this? this is really an inspiring story because for her son caring for her cancerous mom really is a big difference.
What are the choices? the choices he made were good and a good cause because he was caring for his mom who has stage 4 cancer so i say i would do the same to help keep my mom alive as long as she can live

When? in the fall of 2011
When did or will this happen? in the fall of 2011
When was this discovered? in the fall of 2011

Where? in ohio
Where did or will this happen? ohio

Why? because his mom has stage 4 cancer
Why did this happen or will it happen? mom having stage 4 cancer

How? mom has stage 4 cancer
How did it or will it happen? mom has stager 4 cancer
How much does it cost? it coster austin fisher walking the satge, but after revealing whats going on with his mom and now the superintended has decided to have the ability that he can walk the stage without the notice of his absents
How many people does this affect? only austin fisher and his mom
How do you feel about this? i feel pretty "WOWED" and i thought that this story was going to shock me

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