Friday, April 13, 2012

Question & Answers

1. the people that i would ask would be a person that doesnt care about the enforcement of the new policy, another person i would ask would be a person that actually gives a crap about it, and a teacher.

2. 20 questions:
 how do you fell about the new policy?
 how did you react to the new policy?
 why do you think they should have the policy enforced?
 do you think they will cut off the policy when they see improvement in the schools?
do you care about what other people think about the new policy?
 if you had the power to change it would you?
 would you protest against the policy?
 who would you ask to change the policy?
 would you be happy if they were to change the policy back to where it was?
 how would you feel if the policy never existed and never talked about?
 what emotion are you feeling about this change right now?
 do you think that this change is bad for our schools or no?
 do you think everyone will go crazy if they dont get rid of the policy?
 do you think there are going to be more gang affiliation with the policy going on?
 would you tell the people who is responsible for the policy to tell them why we shouldn't have the change?
 what will happen if students disobey the policy, do you think the students will wreck the schools?
would you feel the same way as the other students?
 does the change make you irritated?
 are you ok with this change?
 can there be a way for you to change the policy and make it where it was before the policy started?

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