Thursday, March 22, 2012

Touching People

1. i think that this project is kind of creepy if you think about it because you don't random/strange people just touching you for like no reason that's awkwar. the photo eassy is also creepy and weird because they are talking about when you ask two people to touch each other they are going to either hold hands or put their arms aroung them.

2. i would probably say no unless its a pretty girl or just any girl then im fine, but otherwise no because i don't want to "touch" a dude that i never seen before and for me i would think its "gay" not to offend anyone but im not "gay " so i would rather not take a photo touching a stranger like i said unless its a pretty girl then i'm ok with that.

3. i would think that putting a guy and a girl that dont know each other making out.

4. what i thought of the photography was it was great and all, but to me still kind of creepy. i would think that the photographer didn't think about the rules about photograhy because to me i make it seem that they just take pictures and thats it. he took pictures of two random people touching each other.

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