Tuesday, March 20, 2012


1. Nick Adams
cut part of some pictures, focusing on the people in the photos, zooming in
the judges like the composition and lighting.
my overall impression is that the story photos and how the photos looked and that we can see what were looking at. i didnt like some pictures because you want to see what is the main focus but you cant because the photographers cut some of those features from the photos.

2. Dustin Snipes
they like the compositioning of the first photo
they liked the angle he took it from
liked how everyone is doin something
what i saw strengths were how he and where to take these photos and they were from angles that i liked. i agreed with the judges on how good these photos were, but i didnt see any weaknesses.

3. they looked at all the photos of each runner-up and they go through each photo and decides whats wrong with them and how the photographer could've changed the photo to make it look better. and then looked at which pictures look the same which to them they find them boring and didnt make the cut.

1. the one photo i thought was cool and that the judges agreed on was the picture with a female tennis player wearing an orange shirt but you can't see her face and her tennis racket flew out of her hand.

2. There's one photo that i didnt agree with the judges on which was the photo with a half of a football player which is kind of weird and i didnt like it because the player shouldnt be playing because he really cant do nothing not even run and i disagree with the judges because they said they were supporting him but for him not to be allowed to play i agree because it doesnt look right have a half of a football player playing.

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