Friday, September 23, 2011

Academic Shoot reflection

1. I didnt really encounter any challenges because i mostly thought about just taking these pictures in time so i can say i took my pictures for today.
2. I found myself thinking most about focusing the pictures and not making them blury.
3.If i could do this assignment again then i would be more focused more about the six rules of photography and take the pictures i need to take.
4. the things that i would so the same would probably be just be taking random pictures of random people.
5.I would think the rule(s) would be the easiest would be avoiding mergers or simplicity
6.The hardest rule to capture would be lines because i kinda understand it but taking the picture of lines would be most difficult.
7.The rule that im not comfortabe with is the rule of lines because i dont really know by heart what it means but, for me to understand more about it is if someone would show me examples about lines.

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