2. my Favorite movie would be thor because i loved it because it was cool and amazing and at the end it makes you want to see the next one or makes you wonder if there is going to be a next one. i really liked the movie because i like to see action movies and some romance and some other things in a movie. so i chose this movie out of all the movies that came out because it was that amazing.
3. the most important news story of the year is when steve jobs died because he comes up with ideas with new ipods and iphones and we kind of need him for new versions of the next big thing from apple. i think he shouldve still been alive because 56 is still young.
4. the most important person in 2011 would be obama because he is important because without him the world would be chaos and who knows what will happen with no president.
5. the cowboys was my favorite thing in 2011 because i love watching my team play.
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