Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Portraits and Self- Portraits



3. what i think what makes a good photo is when someone is neatness and the photo is a good photo. Also the background could help with the good of how the photos comes to turn out. Then the person that's posing for the picture should be neatly dressed in appropriate clothing to where the photo is cool and fascinating

Friday, November 18, 2011

Ethics In Fasion Photography

1. things that were changed to the model were her shoulders were put a little down and her skins tone and made her head a little smaller.
2.i would say no because it might offend the model because she might say " thats not me" than she might not like it or something.
3. there is a circumstance that changing her apperance because like i said it could offend her or either she would feel more better knowing that, that manipulation could boost her self-esteem.
4. In my opinion i would say that some changes would be to dont put me skinnier because thats not the real me because i would probably wouldnt like my appearance and other changes i would not like is the color of my eyes, hair and re-arranging my face image.
5. 1 difference in fashion photograpghy is that they make the image better and enhanced and more professional but, photjournalism is just a plain picture and nothing has been enhanced.
6. the relationship it has on reality is that some pictures could be non-reality and some reality. it would effect reality and some people would think "is that real?" which really it isnt real.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Extra Credit Post- Former Gang members

1.      Link the website you visited and make sure your blog is titled the same as I named it on the akinsphotojblog.
2.      Briefly describe what you looked at on the website (2-3 sentences, make sure you write enough to really make it clear that you spent time looking at the website). i looked at his website at former gang members and how they changed their lives. Also whoever took these photos must'ev found their tattoes interesting and took pictures of them.
3.      What did you learn new?  what i learned is that these pictures were acutually mugshots and the photographer made them beatiful pictures instead of them beind ugly photos.
4.      If possible, post your favorite photo from the site.
5.      If you have a photo to post, please answer the following questions:
a.       Why did you pick this photo? i would pick this photo because it means that a former gang member has changed his life and he changed his life for a reason.
b.      What rules of photography do you see in the photo? i would have to say rule of thirds.
c.       Who took the photo? Adam Amengual.

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

1. the Summary of the story was that manipulation can get you into trouble because someone manipulated with the rockets and made it seem like if the practice missile lauch was a success. but, one missile failed to fire they took photoshop and used it for the fourth missile. so they are so many things to use in photoshop and manipulating pictures is fun in my advantage that manipulating photos are really not the real pictures.

2. i would say that this photo editing is unethical because we want to see the original photo of whatever happened or whats going on because if we see a manipulated photo than we are going to believe that photo instead of what really happened.

3. i think this is the most unethical because of the realistic of what would the soldier do if someone approaches the soldier and what would he do than he would just stand there.

4. this is the least ethical because they manipulated her teeth becuase they really dont look good on one picture but the other one is changed her outer image to make it look natural.

National Geographic Warm-up

2. this is an awesome photo because it looks awesome with the tornado and the color of the thunder around the tornado and the way the photo was taken. i would have to appreciate the person who took this picture because usually tornadoes are destruction and when you take a very good picture it is quite amusing.

3. i would like to take a picture inside of a tsunami or a hurricane so everyone can see what they look like in the inside and how beautiful it looks.

Abandoned Amusement Parks

1. Takakanonuma Greenland, Hobara, Japan because its so amazingly sad because its like abandoning a child in the middle of nowhere. I would also like to visit there with my camera to take pictures and explore how abandoned it is. The part that makes me wanna go there is because that the rails of a rollercoaster are rusty which make it more interesting because its been there a long time without a soul looking around the place and such.

3.  abandoned Schools, Abandoned homes, Abandoned hospitals, Abandoned food places, and maybe a cemetery.

Severalls Hospital, Colchester, UK
severalls hospital 6 Creepy Abandoned Hospitals and Insane Asylums

5.Something interest me about this place because its kind of a spooky place and it seems kind of cool to document this. also try to find out about the history behind this abandoned hospital and to see how it changed over the years. We could also look at what might of happened to this place and why it got abandoned and how it started to get abandoned. Maybe look around the place to see if it could be haunted and stuff like that and visualize how the hosptal look like when it wasnt abandoned.

6. As far as equipment i would have to need supernatural equipment to check if it is haunted and cameras to take tons of pictures. For the laws than i would have to sneak in somehow if not then i would have to ask permission because an abandoned place it would be a violation of trespassing and thats against the law.