Monday, October 24, 2011

Videos vs. Photos Competition Veteran

1. these other features enhance the photos are very much better because it tells about his life and and what he's been through and stuff like that.

2. ways that videos are better than photographs are when you look at photos and somtimes you wish what happened on that day and sometimes wondered what that day was like. Another way is like videos are better than photos are ways that you can get information on what happened and what are they talking bout so that you wont have to wonder whats going on in the particular photo.

3. in ways photos are better than videos are like if you wanted to look closer at a video like a particular part of the video and the photo has that particular part than thats a way photos are better than videos. Another was that photos are better than videos is you'll have those memories in the photos that no one can take away but videos you can live out that special moment about that special person or someone.

More Veteran Questions

the tense that these captions are mostly written is for telling that what is happening and what had happened with ian fisher.

these caption enhance the photograpghs how to tell what is happening in the photo and any comments from someone that have posted any recent comments and they also enhance the photos in a manner how realistic the caption is about the photo.

Veteran Photos/ Questions

1.the powerful image in the slideshow is when they come back home because for years they are going to be missed and havent been with their family in a long time so theres a soldier who looks like he huggin a girlfriend, friend, wife or cousin and she really missed him.

2.the sequence of photographs in the slidshow is most powerful is when they are deployed into war because you will probably never see them again because soldiers get killed and some of them come back alive with their whole body with them or some human parts cut off.

3.they work together to tell a story how images tell some peoples lives before they came to the army and during the army and after the army.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Funny Captions #1

No seat belts.
who the kids
what they are water rafting across the ocean
when on a certain day
where on a ocean
why maybe because they wanna experience drowing
how thwy are rafting pretty hardcore
these children are water rafting and wanting to experience death by drowning or either they wanna have fun with each other.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cool Video

1. he needs to better handling the camera because looks like he shaking it on purpose

Great Black and White Photograpers Part 3:

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them? it was because i never seen any black and white photos and i would choose their phots because they are unique

2.) Look at those 2 photos you posted last time. Use your five senses to tell me more about those photos. Answer them on your blog.

I see a female with a red sweater and she's outside looking pretty
I smell the outside and nature
I hear the birds tweeting and the sound of the wind in my ears
I taste the air in my mouth
I feel the hotness of being outside

i see potential in this particular person
i smell the victory inside him
i hear nothing with this slow motion and the crowd is like silenced when their really loud
i taste the water because he looks like he is in the diving team
i feel very confident in this dude and relaxed.
3.  i would like to create ideas to blow people's minds and show them that photography and what can photography do with photos and the different things you can learn in photo journalism.

About Instagram BLOG

1. i would think a descent theme in order to do a series of panels to place around the school
2. i wouldnt see why we cant use our phones with cameras because this is a photography class not something else
3. i would put the murals somewhere where the students and teachers would be able to notice its beauty.

Warm-up HDR photography

1. well first you need to change the iso, shutter speed
2.  yes it can take bracketed photos because it looks like a camera that so that
3. i think i can think of a place to where i can take photos like these but im not so sure
4.this photo i think is peaceful to me and i think it represents is simplicity because of its clearness and the way the picture looks so hi-def

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fixed Photo Shoot Post Shoot Reflection

1. how to take different kinds of pictures and at different speeds.
2. Most of my pictures i took were mostly white and most were bright.
3. i think i kind of know the difference between each iso. because of either the brightness of each photo or the way the picture looks up close.
4. what it tells me about iso is that the way that the pictures are lighted and pixelated.
5. yes i can see the difference in the focus between the photos and i see the way it doesnt pixelate and clearly the pictures are.
6. distance, and lighting
7. i would focus on where you take the picture and what settings i put.